Beyond the Cloud

Fireproof has its roots in the cloudless movement I identified in my 2023 O'Reilly Radar article. Fireproof's data anywhere promise, as reflected in our PartyKit, Netlify, AWS, and IPFS connectors is aligned with the cloudless vision. Fireproof Cloud leverages the data integrity guarantees of cloudless to offer unparalleled ease of use and flexibility.


Fireproof Cloud will offer one-click onboarding to live data, an experience hard to match without Fireproof's Merkle integrity. This will make Fireproof the easiest way to get started with a database, and the most powerful way to extend legacy apps and write backend-independent components. The Cloud dashboard makes Fireproof tangible, easy to use, and provides a foundation for future features.

Fireproof Cloud will have advanced querying:

Look at Firebase, Supabase, and AWS Amplify to imagine how this product line matures, with features to support the full needs of an integrated application.

Optimizing the experience for developers of all skill levels is aligned with our goal to be embedded in legacy apps as well as new ones. If your enterprise is using Fireproof for application data, and you find that you can run reports via the Fireproof dashboard... that is the kind of stickiness we strive to achieve, for a more general audience as we grow. The industry is poised for a revolution as previously expensive-to-modify apps become routine to automate. Fireproof means developers don't have to worry about the backend to write interactive, collaborative features in new or existing apps, with the flexibility and data integrity enterprises demand.
