Posts by Meghan Sinnott
Fireproof on Hacker News
Welcome to all of our new users! Here's a little write up about what makes Fireproof unique and how you can get involved in this open source project.
Realtime Collaboration in the Wild
Hardware hacker uses Fireproof to create a serverless web-based drum machine for real time collaboration on group bicycle rides.
NodeConfEU 2024 Recap
Fireproof participated in Europe's longest-running, beloved Node.js conference in Ireland, along with 200 others for three days of talks and workshops on open source innovation, performance optimization, and software quality.
Contributor Spotlight: Meno Abels
Read about contributor Meno Abels who has refactored Fireproof's core database engine, enhanced our TypeScript structure to support dynamic runtimes, implemented a pluggable storage system, and worked on a new connector gateway.
Contributor Spotlight: Daniel Sanchez, Solid
Solid developer makes Solid adapter for Fireproof.